Emergency Response

Emergency Response

To confirm what is classed an Emergency in the home you live;

An Emergency is a sudden unplanned event that is causing harm to the property or is harming you.
This will also include a security issue for the property where door or windows will not lock and/or have failed through no fault of your own and/or the security of the property is compromised*.
We have separate advice on Compromised Property Security (locks/glass/doors) Here 
It Will NOT include the loss of heat or hot water when you or the property occupare aged between 2 and 65 with no underlying illness and outside ambient temperatures are above 10 degrees Celsius.

In Most cases an Emergency Situation can be usually resolved by the *utility service providers here;
  1. If you are experiencing an escape of water then do not use the outlet further; isolate (at the stop tap) and contain any leaking water; If this is a mains water leak then isolate the mains stop tap immediately. If it is waste water again, stop or stem the flow. You MUST report all to Unite Utilities - Further help can be found here; Burst pipe | United Utilities
  1. If this is an electrical hazard, then please isolate the mains electric at the properties consumer unit- call 105
  2. If this is a gas emergency then please isolate the gas stop tap at the gas meter and report to the national gas emergency help line immediately 0800111999.
  3. If you have an emergency that is harming or going to cause irreparable harm then you also have the Emergency Service Number 999, who can assist for Fire and Rescue, Police and Ambulance.
A None Emergency is a sudden unplanned situation that can be tolerated with controlled preventative measures as it will not cause further harm to you or the property.

If none of the above resolve the issue then you can call 01617132688 where you will be directed to our out of hours contact centres; They will take the details of the report from you and provide these to a responsible person who will act on the receipt and seriousness of the matter. Unfortunately our staff are NOT available 24/7/365, and will ONLY act on receipt during **reasonable operating hours.

All Non Emergency repairs Further help HERE
All will be acknowledge within **reasonable operating hours

The landlord is NOT responsible for the supply nor the pipes/cables that supply the property with utility services.
 If you have lost or misplaced your keys then this is NOT an emergency for your landlord to have to attend and you must arrange to replace the locks and provide the office with 3 sets of keys immediately.
** Reasonable Operating Hours; All will be acknowledge within 24 hours of receipt.
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