Reporting a repair or other maintenance issue

Reporting a repair or other maintenance issue

Are you aware of your obligations as a tenant when it comes to repairs?

How to report a repair or other issue

If you need to report a repair or other maintenance issue with your property, we accept over a number of different channels including WhatsApp, email and submitting a ticket. We also accept phone calls however email and tickets are by far the most efficient methods.
  1. Submit a Ticket
  2. WhatsApp
  3. Email
  4. Phone

What information should I include in my report

Please provide as much information as you can with your request so we can get on with dealing with it as soon as possible. Include photos or video records if possible. As a bare minimum the following information should be included in your report.
  1. Your full name.
  2. You contact details: email and phone number.
  3. The full address of the property.
  4. The location either inside or outside of your property affected (e.g. bathroom, fence, etc.).
  5. A brief description of the issue (e.g. boiler not working).
  6. Any other information you think is relevant: When did the issue start happening? How is it affecting your daily routines? Is this something that's happened before?
  7. One or more photos or video showing the issue.

What if my issue is an emergency?

Please see our Emergency Response article here for information about emergencies.

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